Zion’s is privileged to have a beautiful building and grounds that can be shared with our community. Some of the local and national groups that use our facilities for meetings and rehearsals are listed below; follow their links to learn more about them.

Meeting Times at Zion's Lutheran Church
Sunday - 7:30 PM - Lead Meeting;
Wednesday - 12:00 PM - Open Discussion
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem.
It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate.
Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
Defiance Citizens in Action are a non-profit (501c3), grassroots volunteer and outreach organization. Defiance Citizens in Action welcomes members from Defiance and the surrounding areas, regardless of age, gender, nationality, creed, political affiliation or ability.

What do Girl Scouts do?
Anything they set their mind to.
They’re discovering who they are and what they love to do.
No two Girl Scout stories are the same, but every single one will inspire you.
Founded in 1945, the Northwesternaires Barbershop Chorus is proud to be a member of the Johnny Appleseed District within the international Barbershop Harmony Society. We're a group of guys with members from more than 25 different communities in Northwest Ohio and a single mission to keep the whole world singing!

No cookie-cutter diets. No gimmicks. No trendy shortcuts. It’s the old-fashioned approach to health and wellness: A lifestyle, for a lifetime. At TOPS, you’re throwing yourself a lifeline. Founded in 1948, TOPS is the first of its kind noncommercial weight-loss support group, with ties to the medical community and thousands of chapters in the U.S. and Canada.
Your first in-person meeting is free. You can listen in and observe at first, or jump right in and start participating. With TOPS, you call the shots.