Sunday School
Every Sunday at 9 a.m.
All children and youth age 3 through high school are welcome to join us for Sunday School! Kids and youth will connect with others their age, participate in age-appropriate activities, and most importantly learn about Jesus' love for us.

Sunday Worship 9:45 a.m.
Traditional service including communion
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry – We want to pray with you and for you!
May we pray for you? God invites us to come together and share with Him our worries, sorrows, and joys. We want to pray with and for you, in good times and in bad. Let's lift one another up in prayer!
You can submit a request for prayers by:
- Submitting it to: office@zionslutheranchurch.com – this is best way.
- Contacting the church office 419-782-8781
- Contacting the Phone Prayer Chain (Barb Vogel) @ 419-393-2544
Your request will be kept confidential, or we will share with our praying community, your choice. We just need enough information to pray for you…God knows the details! Feel free to use only first (given) names to protect privacy.
Ministry Circles
Lutherans of Long Standing
Lutherans of Long Standing (LLS) is a women's fellowship group sharing food and a common ministry. They meet the first Tuesday of the month at 2 pm in the church's Library.
Men's Fellowship
Join us for a conversation over a cup of joe. Meeting every Thursday morning at 9 am Cabin Fever South to discuss current events and theology.
The Book Group
Discussion group meeting at Zion’s on the 2nd Monday of each month at noon. Bring your own lunch and join the discussion. The book list for the calendar year is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex, and is subject to change.
Sisters in Christ
Meets in the church library on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 11:00 am. Their main focus is a Card ministry for shut-ins and others who need a “pick me up”.
Altar Circle
A group of ladies who take turns serving our Lord by preparing His Holy Table for communion every week. New volunteers are always welcome.